Division Bylaws
Division Bylaws
The name of this division shall be the Latinos and Planning (LAP) Division of the American Planning Association (APA).1
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the Division shall be to:
Work to address planning issues affecting Latino communities as well as the professional and career challenges facing Latino planners, and the challenges facing other professionals, elected officials, and advocates who work to improve the quality of life in Hispanic communities. Latinos and Planning works to remember the history and culture shared by Latino communities by connecting them to current planning theory and practice; strives to educate everyone involved in planning with Latino communities and those who work with Hispanic planners; promotes multiculturalism and multi-ethnicities; is inclusive and accountable to its members and the planning profession; builds and maintains relationships with other planning-oriented groups and organizations; provides support to Latino students and institutions of higher education; and is a voice for equitable planning and development.
Principle 1. Remember Hispanic/Latino Ancestry
a) We believe that the history and culture shared by the Latino/Hispanic community possesses some unique and valuable elements that should be studied, preserved, and utilized in the search for solutions to planning challenges in the future.
b) We will respect and celebrate the historical backgrounds of Latinos/Hispanics. We will promote the traditions and values of this culture. We will draw on this ancestry to promote a sense of community in our cities and towns.
c) We believe that the Latino/ Hispanic planning traditions in the US share significant commonalties with human settlements in Latin-America. Urban design elements that evolved from the encounter of pre-colonial indigenous civilizations and the Spanish, African and other cultures are a bridge between the American planning tradition and the rest of Latino American Countries.
d) We will promote the unique values, perspectives, and diversity of Latinos/as and promote. We will build vibrant and inclusive communities and foster programs to maintain, share, and appreciate our cultural differences and similarities.
Principle 2. Strive to Educate
a) We believe that the Latino/Hispanic identity is represented by the way that public and private spaces are utilized in cities, towns and neighborhoods. We believe planners, lawmakers and others involved in the public sphere should recognize and be sensitive to the distinct ways Latinos/Hispanics use public and private space.
b) We believe that a better understanding and appreciation for the Hispanic and Latino heritage in the urban form of American cities will improve quality of life while building a sense of community and civic pride among Latinos. We believe design guidelines, zoning ordinances and related regulations should acknowledge and respect this design heritage.
c) We believe that recognizing the multicultural and multiethnic nature of Latino and Hispanic communities are the basis of true inclusive planning practices.
d) We will continue the dialogue of United States Latino communities and their trans-national origins and strive to better understand how these distinct political, economic, and socio-cultural understandings should be dealt with uniquely in public outreach, and in the process of building communities and other related planning activities.
e) We will work to identify ways to address the opportunities and challenges of transnationalism and immigration on planning in United States communities.
Principle 3. Promote Multiculturalism and Multiethnicity
a) We believe that Latino/Hispanic descent planners can be a unique asset to public and private institutions working within the planning profession. Their unique values and perspectives bring to the workplace and work product great benefits.
b) We believe that Latino/Hispanic Planners and those working with and for Latino and Hispanic communities have the moral responsibility of mentoring a new generation of Latino planners that see in the planning profession an opportunity for success, and to become a role model for generations to come.
c) We believe that the best ways to meet our goals are to make the division open and welcoming to everyone who shares our interests, regardless of their ethnicity. We will promote dialogue as a way to learn and address disagreements.
d) We will serve as a liaison and counsel between Latino communities and the public, nonprofit and private sectors involved in addressing quality of life issues.
Principle 4. Be Accountable to Latinos and Planning Members and the Profession
a) We believe Latinos and Planning should be accountable to its members and to the planning profession as a whole.
b) We believe Latinos and Planning should be responsive to the changing interests of its members.
c) We will work to understand and address the interests of Latinos and Planning members. We will provide knowledge and other value to help the planning profession be more responsive to Latino communities and planners.
Principle 5. Build and Maintain Relationships with Other Groups
a) We will act as leaders in the community to educate others about Latino heritage and its value to the community. The members will act as mentors and role models to our Latino brothers and sisters, and encourage them to join the profession and offer guidance to them.
b) We will create and maintain relations with other professions and the federal government, and with local and state governments whose work affects the physical and social environment.
c) We will work with other divisions in the American Planning Association and other groups to address issues of common interest.
d) We will promote collaborations with educational institutions in their efforts to recruit Latino students, as well as other initiatives and research affecting Hispanic communities.
e) We will provide support to Latino students and organizations interested in the community, urban and regional planning fields.
Principle 6. Be a Voice for Equitable Planning and Development
a) We will strive to promote economic growth and development in our communities.
b) We will promote the design and development of the highest quality living, working and recreational environments.
c) We will work to address discrimination and other policies and hiring practices that unfairly restrict Latino/as from entry into planning practice and opportunities for career advancement within the planning field.
d) We will strive to speak in a unified voice on public policy.
e) We will conduct and participate in various charitable events in the community, focusing on the urban and regional planning profession.
Section 1. Membership in the Division shall be open to all individuals who are current members of the American Planning Association and non-members who have an interest in the issues related to Latino/Hispanic communities and planners of Latino/Hispanic background. Division affiliates (those who are not members of APA) cannot vote in APA national and state chapter elections and forfeit the rights and privileges of an APA member.
Section 2. Individual and institutional subscribers may receive the Division's services for a division-only fee(s).
Individual subscribers are persons who are not members of APA and who have an interest in the purposes of the Division. Institutional subscribers include institutions such as governmental agencies, private firms, schools, libraries, not-for-profit organizations and others with an interest in the purposes of the Division.
Section 3. The record of membership in the Division will begin when the Division dues have been paid in accordance with these bylaws.
Section 4. The services which the Division shall offer to its members shall include:
1. Publishing a Division newsletter;
2. Distributing a Division progress report annually;
And may include, but not be limited to:
3. Providing a communications network for planning practitioners, people in academia, students and community leaders interested in planning issues related to Latino/Hispanic communities , Latino Planners and Latino advocates;
4. Maintaining liaisons with other organizations and individuals that share common interests;
5. Providing research and related services to include grant sponsorship and solicitation and administration of grants – on behalf of the Division, its officers are authorized to apply for grants to sponsor workshops and research in furtherance of the Division's purposes;
7. Undertaking research on subjects of interest and benefit to APA and division members;
8. Recommending statements of policy to the APA Legislative and Policy Committee for their consideration and adoption;
9. Holding seminars and other substantive sessions at APA national conferences, regional forums, and other appropriate locations and times;
10. Meeting annually with Division officers and members during the APA national conference.
11. Promote a positive working relationship with other divisions of APA in efforts of mutual interest.
Section 1. The officers of the Division shall be a Chair, Vice Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Student Representative.
Section 2. The duties of the officers shall be as follows:
- The Chair shall be elected to the office and shall:
a. Act as the presiding officer of the Division;
b. Prepare an annual program and budget and authorize specific expenditures in accordance with that budget;
c. Prepare an annual report of the Division's accomplishments of the preceding year and present recommendations on the program for the coming year; which report shall be submitted to the incoming Chair;
d. Represent the Division at meetings of the Divisions Council;
e. Call meetings of the Division;
f. Appoint Committee Chairs and others in consultation with the Executive Committee.
g. Be responsible for division's fulfillment of all requirements as described in the APA Bylaws, Divisions Council Bylaws, and all other performance criteria as may be adopted by the APA Board of Directors or Divisions Council.
- The Vice Chair shall be elected to the office and shall:
a. Assume, in the Chair's absence, all duties;
b. Act at the direction of the Chair; and
c. Coordinate public relations and member recruitment, including the Division's newsletter.
- The Secretary shall be elected to the office and shall:
a. Act at the direction of the Chair;
c. Cause members to be notified of Division meetings;
d. Prepare concise minutes of Division meetings;
e. Cause proposed bylaws amendments to be submitted to the membership within the period of time prescribed by these bylaws; and
f. Be responsible for tabulating the votes of Division members in all elections except those for Division officers.
g. Be responsible for distributing division member communications.
- The Treasurer shall be elected to office and shall:
a. Be responsible for drafting the Division's budget; and
b. Maintain the Division's accounts.
c. Submit a financial report to division leaders and members annually and at other times as requested by the Division Executive Committee.
- The Student Representative is appointed by the Chair after consultation with the officers and shall:
a. Serve as a liaison between LAP student members and LAP board
b. Lead efforts to recruit student members to join LAP
c. Represent LAP in activities and committees where student representation is needed
d. Promote students involvement and engagement in issues related to LAP principles
Nomination and Election of Officers
Section 1. All officers shall serve for two-year terms and their term of office shall begin at the end of the Division Annual Business Meeting during the APA National Planning Conference following their election.
Section 2. Elections shall be held every two years in a manner and on a schedule determined by the Division Executive Committee. Election results are to be announced no later than 60 days prior to the APA National Planning Conference. The Nominating Committee is appointed by the Chair and composed of at least three Division members, none of whom may be a candidate for elected office.
Section 3. Officers shall be elected by receiving a plurality of votes cast.
Section 4. The Executive Committee will fill any vacancies by appointing a qualified division member to serve out the remaining portion of the unexpired term.
Section 1. Executive Committee — The Executive Committee will consist of the Division's elected officers and others as may be determined by the Chair. Its purpose shall be to administer division activities and programs, advise and assist in the preparation of an annual budget and work program for the Division, and in other duties as necessary.
Section 2. Nominating Committee — The Nominating Committee will be appointed to recommend a nomination and election schedule; identify eligible candidates for division offices; and submit a slate of candidates to division members.
Section 3. Other committees may be established by the Executive Committee to further the purposes of the Division or improve membership services. Such committees will be appointed by the Chair. The Chair shall specify each committee's charge, budget, reporting time and, in the case of a special committee, its date of termination.
Section 1. Division dues will be consistent with those approved by the APA Board of Directors and will be collected by APA for the Division.
Section 2. Under the following circumstances, the Division may accept non-dues receipts. Subject to approval by the Division's Executive Committee and the APA Executive Director, the Division may accept contributions, donations, and grants from members, non-members, subscribers, the APA Board of Directors, the American Institute of Certified Planners' Commission, and other firms and agencies.
Amendment of Bylaws
Section 1. Changes to these bylaws may be proposed by a majority vote of the Executive Committee or by a petition signed by ten members of the Division.
Section 2. The Secretary shall submit the proposed amendment to the membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the voting. Amendments will be adopted if they are supported by a majority of the votes cast.
1 "Latinos" shall refer to Latinos, Latinas, Hispanics, Chicanos, Chicanas and anyone from Latin American or Spanish heritage who also has a current connection to the United States. Our organization recognizes that there is an active discussion on whether this term is inclusive of gender, national origin and race. It is the intent of this organization to be open and welcoming to anyone who is interested in issues affecting Latino/a and Hispanic communities.